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  • €12.00 - €116.00





Ramo enamorados

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  • Pink burst bouquet


    A burst of spring joy

    This spring bouquet of flowers in pink tones is a perfect gift to brighten anyone's day. With a vibrant mix of fresh seasonal flowers, this bouquet radiates the energy and freshness of spring.

    Flowers that make you fall in love

    The bouquet is made up of a selection of pink roses, a symbol of love and joy, combined with other seasonal flowers in pink and white tones such as freesias, spray roses and limonium.

  • extra rose spray bouquet


    A touch of sweetness and romanticism

    This lovely bouquet of light pink spray roses is perfect for expressing feelings of love, affection and friendship. Spray roses, with their multiple buds on each stem, create a lush and cheerful effect that will fill any space with life.


    Light pink spray roses: a romantic and feminine color that conveys tenderness and delicacy.

    Abundance of flowers: each stem features multiple buds, creating a voluminous and eye-catching bouquet.

    Freshness and quality: Roses are carefully selected and grown to the highest standards.

    Versatility: Ideal as a gift for any occasion, from a birthday to an anniversary or simply to brighten the day of someone special.

  • Ramo max love roses


    M - 20 rosas

    L - 51 Rosas

    XL - 101 rosas

  • Ramo rosas blancas


    Bouquet of 12 white roses with paniculata and eucalyptus.

  • Rose bouquet "My love"


    Surprise that special someone with this rose bouquet, a timeless combination of red and paniculata roses in an elegant and unique design.

  • Red roses bouquet


    This bouquet of red roses is the perfect expression of passionate love and timeless beauty. The roses, carefully selected by our expert florists, are a deep and vibrant red that radiates passion and desire. Bouquet accompanied by eucalyptus.

    Don't wait any longer and give a bouquet of red roses to that special person. Show your love in the most passionate way!

    S - 12 roses

    M - 25 roses (same as photo)

    G - 51 roses

  • Pink roses bouquet


    This lovely bouquet of pink roses is the epitome of sweetness and elegance. Its velvety petals in pink tones evoke a feeling of joy and romanticism, perfect for any special occasion.

    Impeccable presentation: Wrapped with decorative paper and satin ribbon matching the color of the roses, ready to surprise and fall in love. Don't wait any longer to give this bouquet of pink roses and express your emotions in the sweetest and most elegant way!

    S - 11 roses (same as photo)

    M - 25 roses

    G - 51 roses

  • Ramo encanto

  • Ramo Amadis

  • Rosa con osito
